
Berryz Kobo

A little over a month ago I was lucky enough to be able to volunteer through my friend Heather to work at Sakura Con. Which is a huge Anime and Japanese Culture convention here in Washington.

I went in not knowing what I was going to be assigned to do or what I'd do during my free time during the convention. But soon enough I was assigned to work at the merchandise booth for Berryz工房, a Japanese girl group from Hello!Project. Needless to say, I was in my element the entire weekend. I was selling merch for something I understood. Though, I will admit, I didn't know much about the girls to start with. But over the weekend, I learned quite a bit about the girls and made a lot of new friends. I even got to see them perform (Which was amazing!)

Rival. Not the newest, but one of my favorites by the girls. ♥

Along with new friends, a new band to love, and an action packed weekend...I also ended up on Japanese television! Of course, it was only about two seconds worth of film, but it's still exciting!

A screenshot of Hello!Pro time which showcased Berryz time in Seattle.

The girls came out with a new music video the other day, you should definitely check it out.
It's called Ai no Dangan.

♥ Myshappy

1 comment:

  1. That's so freaking cool, Michi!!!! xD
    And that picture of you is beyond adorable~ haha ♥

    How did you even get roped into that job?? It does totally suit you, though :)

    And WHEN DO I GET TO SEE YOU?!?! ♥ ♥ ♥
