
Shoppingholics GEO Bella Grey Circle Lens Review

The first Circle Lenses I ever bought were the GEO Bella Grey lenses from Shoppingholics.  I bought them back in March, and just have never gotten around to reviewing them.  After all this time, I figure it's time to give my original lenses their long overdue love.

The promotional photo, on brown eyes.

Unfortunately mine isn't as pretty.
And I had to use a finger to cover my bridge piercing.

These were the first contacts I ever purchased.  And they're what started my Circle Lens obsession.  Since then I've gone back for....six more pairs?  I'm not rightly sure at the moment.  I chose them because I wanted something I knew would at least look decent on my eyes (Since they're so light.)

Origin: Korea
Diameter : 14.0mm
Water Content : 38%
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Life Span : 1 year disposal

While they do enlarge the eye, it's not as much of a change as some of my other lenses.

The color is gorgeous, but it blends into my natural color a bit much.  Though they make for great natural lenses that give my eyes a little pop.

The design on the Bella Grey lenses are really pretty, but hardly show up in my eyes.  On darker eyes they're prettier.

Hands down the most comfortable lenses I own.

I still love these lenses.  They aren't perfect.  But on light eyes they come off as a much more natural color, and definitely make people look at your eyes.  They're beautiful without coming off as obviously contacts.



  1. I really need to get on my reviews xDD I keep leaving mine at Alex's though -.-;;

  2. When buying contact lenses from overseas, be sure to get one from a reputable and licensed supplier. As far as I know, the sale of contact lenses is strictly regulated to eye doctors. Anyone selling contact lenses without a license can be subject to federal complaint.
