A few years back, when I was in the prime of my "Let's throw fake blood on my friends and take photos!" Amanda and I ended up visiting Hannah for a night. And, well, blood ensued. So here's a fun photo from that day!
Photo Nostalgia
A random set of Print Club from three or four years ago with my friend Alyssa, whom I've affectionately called Microwave since I met her freshman year of High School. She's ridiculously photogenic (I have the amateur modeling shots to prove it!) and a sweet crazy girl. Needless to say she's one of my best friends, and I wouldn't change her for the world. Unfortunately she lives across the country for now. But I love her just the same, and miss her every day.
♥ Myshappy
A short Sakura Con report.
The first weekend of April (6-8th) was 2012 Sakura Con. This year I actually payed the money for the full weekend pass, and a hotel room for the nights. Definitely worth the money! SO much happened!
Unfortunately I'd rather not post some of the events (don't worry, they were good!) because, honestly, the memories are just for me. And it would just come off as some fangirl boasting for some parts. Before your mind wanders, nothing dirty of devilish happened. It's just a whole lot of effort to post it all, and a whole lot of emotion to relive.
So the short report of it all is that I got to see Moi dix Mois perform, and got to get their autographs. I shook Mana-sama's hand. It was amazing. They are so beautiful in real life, and Mana-sama is hilarious. The Q&A session was so funny. Mana-sama poked fun at his band a few times. All in all it was wonderful.
I also got to see Kanon Wakeshima perform live. She is amazing. Her voice is even better live than on recordings. She's also so adorable, and very modest.
Unfortunately, no photos of either act. We weren't allowed photography at the show or Q&A.
Another highlight was visiting the Angelic Pretty/Atelier Pierrot booth, and meeting the super sweet super awesome shop girls who worked there.
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Aki, Me, Amanda Leigh, Hannah, and Mayo. |
Aki, Me, Manda, Mayo, and Natsuki!! |
We even got to go out to dinner with them the last night. An expensive bill for conveyor Sushi and alcohol. But SO worth it! We're planning a trip down to California to go visit them. After Tokyo, of course. We're thinking of December, at the moment. Though Aki may come visit sooner!
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Me, Aki, Yuki Yoshida, and Hannah |
The last day, while running around, Hannah and I also ran into Yuki Yoshida. She's a local artist, one of Manda's favorites, and apparently a fan of Hannah's blog! We chatted and took a snap before running off on our ways.
And lastly! I met h.Naoto!! It was AMAZING. The cherry on top of the whole amazing wonderful fantastic weekend.
There was a fashion show, and I ended up (after a very stressful time making sure I got it) purchasing one of the pieces from the show. A gorgeous gold dress. One of a kind. And h.Naoto himself told me he liked it and that it looked good. (It's the one in the photo above.)
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Naoto-san and Myself. |
A lot happened over the weekend. I got to spend time with my friend Shelby (I'll upload photos later from that!) and Adolfo. So much crazy happened!
I will admit. I had a breakdown on day two. It was too much to handle. I cried in a sushi shop. It happend about three more times in the next few days. It was just so much I had dreamed of since I started listening to Jrock. Meeting Mana was just so surreal.
En Salon & Seattle (Picture heavy)
A month or so ago Hannah, Amanda Leigh and I made an appointment at a random Japanese salon Hannah had found in Bellevue called En Salon. None of us had been there before but we decided hey why not! So Hannah called in an appointment for all three of us to get our nails done. Which I'd never done before. Plus it was gel and the other two had done acrylic only. All in all a new experience.
So weeks passed, and finally the day showed up. Amanda and I got up early (after I had closed at work, and a restless night of little sleep!) and caught the bus down to Seattle. A convenient little straight shot from right outside our apartment complex right down into downtown Seattle. For only $4.50. Pretty amazing. Anyhow! We caught the bus and ended up talking with our friend Jack who happened to be on the bus too. Good times were had. We chatted and laughed about how Jack had to use the restroom a fourth of the way through the ride. Like I said, good times.
Hour or so later we ended up at Westlake Center (A shopping center.) The main area was open, but not many of the shops. Hilariously, for us at least (Not Jack.), the restrooms were closed too. So he had to run around and try to find one. While we were waiting for him I spotted a delicious looking Crepe shop. Which wasn't open. And had no sign for when it would be. So depressing. Eventually Hannah showed up and we made a little adventure to find Jack's bus connection. It took a bit more time than we expected, but we found it then headed off to Starbucks so Hannah could get her coffee fix.
"New" hair
A few months ago I took a leap in hair style that I really have yet to share with. I've had a few styles since I've started the blog. Very few have made it on. I think since starting this I've hair my natural color, blonde, pink, light pink, brown/pink, pink again, brown again..... I change my hair a lot.
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My hair before. Usual and straight. |
Usually just my bangs and color though. This time. Well....
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Right before I cut it. (Myself.) |
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After the cut and a shower. From the front. |
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From the side! |
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The following day. |
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A silly lazy style I put it in one morning on no sleep. |
All in all I actually love this style. It's so easy to deal with. And adds some interest into even the most boring of days. Even a normal ponytail looks awesome.
The only downside is that it's hurting my promotion at work. Fortunately I can flip my part to the opposite side and cover it, but my boss has yet to really see that. But when I get back from Japan I should be getting it anyhow!
♥ Myshappy
30 Days of blogging
Well. As being I leave on the 30th, please expect a blog post every day of my adventures in Japan! I hope to be able to take time out each day to upload the TONS of photo's I'll be taking. It already sounds like a blast. From the second I land I'll be meeting a friend. So it has to be awesome from there.
We're also thinking of going to Sarushima~ MONKEY ISLAND!!
(Though I guess there aren't any monkeys. Such an odd name then. Did Goku live there??)
We've already got a few lives lined up to go to, and I cannot wait! Though getting ready is proving to be a hassle. I'm still unsure of when I am going to go and get my currency converted. Or if I have a proper suitcase...
But regardless! So many things to do in so little time. But once it starts I won't care.
Music Monday? No! Yohio!
Yohio is one of the guitarists for the Swedish V-kei band Seremedy.
♥ Myshappy
One week til lift off.
So much excitement recently! I don't even know!
To start off with, I need to make a post about Sakura Con and the wonderful happenings! At least post a few photos and go from there.
And second...
I moved into my new apartment! Words can't describe how nice it is. I live a 7 minute walk from work. When I finish at night, I just walk home. It's refreshing. The stars, and the cool air. Though it has been pretty warm when I've gotten home. I spent the last two nights overheating for about an hour and a half (Before I started to freeze from the cold air sweat combo ><) But it's amazing. I haven't driven a car in a week. That's also why I haven't updated. Days after my last post we got the call that we could move in ASAP. So we did. And didn't get the internet til Friday, then I've been working.
Most exciting awesome freaky cool news.
On Monday (the 30th) I'll be leaving for Tokyo Japan. For one month. By myself.
I've been planning it for months, and haven't quite been able to get it up here (Mostly because of my laziness....) But it's finally here. And I'm stressed about it. Can't help it. I'll be flying there alone, and being in a foreign country for one month. Luckily my friend Anna of Pink Spider Web will be helping me out and spending time with me. She's a godsend, really.
I've been trying to get in contact with many friends in Japan, to see them, but it's been hard. I want to see my friend Kinji's baby! But my friend Yuji (Who is my contact to that whole group of people!) changes his e-mail address like it's his life line. Troublesome.
But regardless! I have SO MUCH TO DO BEFORE I LEAVE! And no time to do it. Ganbarimasu! But while I'm there I plan to blog practically every day, with tons of pictures!
On a side note: I changed my layout. It's the same basic idea, just in a more "me" color scheme. The banner is comprised of my tattoo themes :)
♥ Myshappy
An apology. An understanding.
Unfortunately, no matter how many times I've said I will keep up with this blog, I've slacked and not written anything for four months. Not for lack of things to write about. But for lack of personal motivation. Things have happened in my life in the last four months that I'm so grateful for. Especially recently. I've been pushing myself to exceed. Not as much as I should be, but this past weekend I think I got the kick I needed.
Which I will go into greater detail in a bit. But for now I want to apologize to anyone who's read this blog, for giving you something that I haven't put my heart into.
This weekend made me realize that I was trying to be something I'm just not. In an effort to do something in my life I was going to the easiest route I could find. Not the route I wanted.
And it was holding me down. I'm not light colors and floral prints. I'm blacks, and reds, and leopard print, and fishnet, and lace. I admire girls who can pull off gorgeous Gyaru trends. But I'm not that. I'm not Onee-kei. I am rock. Rock everything. And I wasn't letting myself be that.
I don't need to change myself to fit the trends that other girls look so pretty in. I need to change the trends to make people realize that I am the definition.
All it took was a Musician and a Fashion Designer to make me realize it again.
Regardless of the pressures, I'm going to fight to become what makes me happy. I won't apologize for being myself anymore. And I certainly won't back down.
♥ Myshappy
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