
Day 2 - Rain Rain.

Yesterday morning I decided to just let myself get up when my body decided to.  Though I did set an alarm for 11am, just in case.  No need to waste the day away.  My body decided that 9am was a good time to get up, and who was I to disagree?

My room mate Kim had already gotten up for the day and left (at 4am!), so it was just me.  And being a weekday, and most of the people here at Sakura House students, the floor was pretty much empty.  So I got to go and come as I pleased, without disturbing people.  It was rather nice.

First thing was first (well, second after the restroom) I started to unpack my none clothes.  All of my make up, and a few books.  The basics.  

Honestly, I made a bit of a mess of my stuff.  Fearing that Kim would come home and think I was a slob, I cleaned up a bit, organized my things, and even hung up my h.Naoto dress and a few coats. 

So stylish, and colorful!

A little less messy.  Made the bed and all.

Then I got ready for the day myself.  Just picking a few easy to wear items, and pulling my hair back into a messy bun.  Unfortunate for me I had forgotten my hairbrush back in Washington.  So I couldn't rightly leave my rats nest down for the world to see.  I even put in a Kuromi clip!

Kim's stocking on the door! It's so cute!!
Then I set out to find something to eat.  I wandered around, into the TCAT center to see if the Mcdonalds was a good idea.  It was a little busy, so I decided against it.  Plus the Mcdonalds breakfast menu has always been difficult for me to get food from.  So I wandered some more.  Into the 711, out of the 711.  Up the street, down again.  Until I finally decided to just go get some bread, because it didn't matter what I ate my stomach wouldn't be happy.   I settled on some Melon Pan, some pretty looking Shiroi Choco Pan, and a Peach Gokuri I bought from a vendind machine.

Melon pan was huge!  And also the pretty swirly Shiroi Choco Pan.

Cute and delicious!
Then I came back to eat, and look up where to find a 100en store.  As well as where to find a power converter for my laptop cord.  I had forgotten the cords were different, and the outlets had no third prong!  Without one I'm pretty much screwed when it comes to keeping in contact with the world.  My ipod and zune are both just usb cords so I needed my laptop.

The closest place I could find to get one was 20minutes away in Shibuya.  And I didn't feel up to the trip just yet.  I'd make an exception, though.  Laptop is important.

I found a 100en shop on google maps and decided to go for it.  It couldn't be that hard to find.

As it turns out, google maps was wrong on it's location.  Or just backwards.  After a long walk, and a lot of wandering around, I finally found it!  Luckily for me, during the duration of the walk the sky was cloudy and it was humid but no rain.

I looked around in there for a little.  I was searching for slippers, a hair brush, and a pillow if I was lucky.  I found one of the above.  But I also found a nice hair clip, so that got added to my bill.

And!  A brilliant idea occurred to me when I saw the extension cords.  That my computer cord would fit, with the third prong sitting on the outside of the cord.  And if not...well, it was only 100en and I could live with that loss.  So into the bag!

I headed back, snapping a few more photos, then began to explore a little more.  I learned that I'm immediately next to the Sumida river, and that it's just plain gorgeous.  I wandered over the Sumidagawa Ohashi, and onto the other side, and walked along the river.  All the way to Kiyosubashi, and back around to my room.  

Then I realized I had no memory card in my camera, and all the pictures I took were stuck on the internal memory.  And I have no cord for it.  So those photos...well, it'll be a while before you get them.

I'm going to make the walk again, though.

I returned to my room, and blogged and fb chatted for about an hour.  Before heading back out.  There was a light rain by that point, but I didn't care.  I headed to the 711 and got a snack and drink, and decided to wander.

About 10 minutes later I stopped at a Lawson's and bought an umbrella.  Good thing I did, because the rain persisted, and the wind picked up.  But I kept walking. 

I walked for about 40 minutes, trying to remember where I took turns, before I finally decided to turn back around.  

My only outfit shot.  I changed twice during the day due to weather.


Have you ever noticed his little hat?  So cute.

Finally~  I headed back and, feeling a little hungry, decided to head to Mcdonalds.  If they weren't too busy.  Luckily, I beat the line and walked right in.  Unsure what I wanted, and a line forming behind me, I chose a simple #6...Chicken filet combo.  With some delicious Qoo of course!  Best part of Mcdonalds Japan, in my humble opinion.

It's been 7 years since I last ate at a Japanese Mcdonalds, and it is different.  But very good, and very fast.  So I took a random seat.


Well cooked, and delicious.

It wasn't til a few minutes later when I realized, silly me, I'd sat in the smoking section.  It took looking over at the woman across from me til I realized it.  

How sheepish.

And...well, I took the opportunity to do something I've never done, and smoke in a Mcdonalds.  

Bad Myshappy!
While I was eating, I looked up to see some caucasian guy enter the food line, he noticed me too.  I almost thought he was going to come over, but he got his food to go, and left.  I wonder if he lives in this building...Who knows!  

So I finished my food, and returned home.  It was already 6pm, and Kim was home, so we chatted a tiny bit and I got back online.  Unfortunately it was past bedtime for most of my friends, so no chatting.  I googled to find a supermarket somewhere nearby, the website says there is one...but google didn't help me at all!!  Finally I decided to put on my coats, and a scarf, and head out.  

I told Kim I was leaving, and she was surprised cause of the rain and time.  Finally I asked her if she knew where the market was, and she was like "Oh!  The market?  it's back that way and to the left." In Japanese, of course.  So I thanked her, and headed out.  

Somehow, I made it straight there.  Thank you Kim!

While in the market, I proved how Gaijin I was, by not putting a basket in the cart like everyone else.  And not noticing the umbrella holder.  A mistake I won't make again.

I bought a few things.  A couple Qoo jelly drinks, two peach fruit cups, and a large bottled water.  Best to have handy in the room.  Then I headed back.

Once back in my room, I settled down and played a bit online, talked to my friend Aya about what our plans are for today.  And recieved a surprise e-mail from my friend Ryo!

I haven't seen him in 5 years, and he all but disappeared off the planet for me and my friends.  Imagine how excited I was!  I hope to get him to come to Tokyo, and to have him go to Disney with me and Aya.

That was yesterday.  And so far my plan for today is that Aya will meet me around 10am, and I will go help her and her uncle do something.  I don't know what.  But it's bound to be an exciting day!



  1. Sounds so pretty ^^ I love the rain in Japan~ Can't wait to hear what you and Aya get up to!

  2. Ah, I loved this post so much!!! <3
    Your pictures are GREAT and you wrote a very thorough report! :D
    I can't wait to see the mystery pictures that are stuck in your camera! Haha

    Did the plug you got at the 100yen shop work after all??

    Can't wait to read more updates!! :3
