
Day 9 - Yokohama

I spent the better part of day 9 online, like the awesome kid I am.  Skyping with Amanda, and generally not blogging like I should have been.  Sometimes I lack focus and motivation.

And I woke up at noon.

I had to meet Aya at Kajigaya station at 5:45, so eventually I got ready and headed out.

Cool thing about the ride is I didn't have to change trains, because the line switches in Shibuya.  So that was good.

Though I'd be lying if I didn't say I started to get a little worried during the trip that I'd taken the wrong train. Or missed my stop.  Or something.  Mostly because I didn't remember the full name of the station "Kaji-something"  and because there were no maps around.

So I was just going to wait, then eventually get off and call Aya.

Luckily though, a stop before I was going to do that was mine!  Luck!

I got to the station, and went to the exit....and worried again that I was wrong.  Cause there was no Aya, so I wandered a little, checking to see if there was another exit.  Nope.  Okay.  Turn back around and--Oh look! Aya!

Oh thank god.  I was freaking myself out.

So we hurried over to her parents car, where they were waiting and headed off.  First to her grandparents.

Apparently, everyone in Aya's family just really wanted to meet me.

So we headed there, and her parents dropped us off so we could run in.  They own a little....dry cleaning business?  I guess.  I don't rightly remember.  So we said hello, and I took a picture with them.  Then her grandmother HAD to buy us drinks for  the car.  So we headed to the vending machine and got drinks.  Then said our goodbyes.  Her grandma handed me a 500en coin for no reason....So sweet.

Then back to the car!  And we headed out.  To Yokohama.  Her dad explained some things we passed, and unfortunately it was raining by that point so no car photos.

We ended up parking at...well, I didn't get the name of it.  But it was this cool area with a deck you could see really far from (Sorry for the terrible description.)  It was pretty nifty though.

Walkway up to the deck.

We stood up there for a long time, snapping photos.  The wind was picking up pretty hard.  And for a while the rain kept off.

Aya's dad pointed out it looks like an Angel from Neon Genesis.  It does!

Aya in the wind!

Group shot failure!

Better, but with less background...

How to tell three of the buildings, which are called Queen, King, and Jack.

Eventually, the rain picked up so we all hurried inside.

And found an AnPan Man vending machine!

Juice!  It also plays the theme song~

Again, we headed out.  Aya got a message from her sister saying she would be meeting us for dinner, so we headed to Queens Square to wait.  And Aya and I got out and took a walk.

Then back into the car!  To go for a little shopping.  And a quick stop at a good place to take photos.

With Aya's sister and mom.

Then Aya's sister and dad!

I don't know how many times Aya and her mother told me that Aya's father was fat.  And that he kept trying to look fatter in photos.  It was pretty amusing.

We headed to a shopping center, and started looking around.

I found the cutest thing ever.

Pirate Sirotan!

He's so cute!!!

Me and Sirotan!!!

I may have to go back and buy him....

Aya and I wandered around and giggled like dorks about things.  Trying on dopey glasses and stuff.

Girl things, you know.

Then we found Lego Buzz Lightyear...

I'm joining the ranks soon.

How YOU doin?

More shopping and we found Scratch!  Seriously.  So many adorable disgruntled looking Sailor cats.  I could have died.

Kitten Basket!!

So freaking cute.

Then we got ushered into a store (Again I forgot the name...) where Aya's family was shopping.  Delicious cheap candys and oldschool toys.  It was really cool.

Aya's mom even got us cotton candy.  It was delicious.

Eventually, though, the store was closing so we had to head out.  I ran back to nab two cute little Sirotan notepads, and we headed out.
Cool hanging thing.

Back out to go to dinner.

We decided on Sushi.  And a good decision that was.  Aya kept telling me to tell her what I wanted, and I did!  A few times!  But I don't eat that much food at one time, so I only had four plates.  Which she commented on, then we realized it was the same as hers.

For dessert Aya got Purin, and I got Yogurt Sorbet.

My mostly finished seafood miso.  Yum!

Afterwards we walked over to a 100en shop and looked around.  I was amazed, they had such cute things. I bought two Miffy bags, and a few presents for people back home.  Pictures to come!

Unfortunately it was time to go home, so we headed back to the station.

Aya handed me a bag with a bunch of things in it she wanted me to have.  It was so nice.
There were slippers, a few drinks, a couple chocolate bars, a bag of instant miso (best ever), and a few other items.  Her mom also handed me a bag of Milky candy, and then handed me and Aya two little bags.

She told us to open them, and inside was the cute little cellphone version of Pirate Sirotan!!!  It's SO CUTE!!!!  Aya got Sailor Sirotan~

Cutest ever!  I thanked them a lot, and Aya walked me to the entrance.  We said our goodbyes, and made plans for the next time we'd meet, and I headed home.



  1. Her family sounds so nice~~~ I'm glad you have cool people to hang out with. ^^

  2. Was that a ferris wheel or just a pretty clock?
